Why choose Internshala Study Abroad?
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End to end admission support
We guide you from college selection to essay writing, ensuring you reach your dream university seamlessly
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4K universities 400K courses to choose from
We have a vast listing of universities and degrees to ensure that you get into your right course and university
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AI Enabled platform
Our state of the art platform that empowers you to compare hundreds of colleges and courses, get the right feedback on your essays and track your progress in just a few clicks
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Experienced and Seasoned Counsellors
Our counsellors have already helped thousands of students land in their dream campus. They take away all the hassles to ensure that you land into your dream college
Highlights of support you will receive
1:1 profile building support
College & course selection
Help with essay & LOR
Application submission support
Assistance with Visa
Travel Assistance
Assistance with housing
Assistance with student loan
Scholarship support
Popular countries
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Dream colleges
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Success stories
I'm grateful to the Internshala Study Abroad team for guiding me through the admission process to my dream university. Their support made my dream of studying overseas a reality. From application assistance to visa guidance, they were with me every step. Thank you, Internshala Study Abroad, for helping me achieve my academic goals!
Kishalaya Kumar
University of California, Davis
Thanks to Internshala Study Abroad, my dream university admission became a reality. Their guidance and support were crucial in the application process, providing clear directions, document reviews, and valuable insights. With their assistance, I'm now on my way to my dream university. Highly recommend for exceptional help and expertise!
Shubhangi Khanna
University of Connecticut
Internshala Study Abroad made my dream a reality! Their incredible support guided me through every step, from university selection to perfecting my application. Their dedication and expertise secured my spot in my dream university. Grateful for their continuous assistance, I couldn't have achieved this without them. Thank you, Internshala Study Abroad!
Sheetal Verma
University of Westminster
Find your dream college and kickstart your journey to a global career!
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