DezignGenie - ASAPP Media
About DezignGenie - ASAPP Media
http://www.dezigngenie.comDezignGenie is a new online venture by ASAPP Media. ASAPP is a publishing house with publications like Construction World, CW Interiors, Infrastructure Today etc. DezignGenie is an online marketplace for all construction and interiors related products. It isn't an e-commerce site, it merely connects users to vendors. It also has special tools specifically for design professionals. Having been in the editorial space for construction and interiors for the past 17 years, ASAPP has a strong database that includes key decision makers in the industry. Hence DezignGenie has access to key decision makers in the industry making the portal more credible and able to reach the right target market. And while ASAPP Media is an established brand and company, DezignGenie is a startup under the company's umbrella.