Devotee International935 Pvt.Ltd
About Devotee International935 Pvt.Ltd
http://www.devoteeworld.netDevoteeTM International Pvt. Ltd.
(A Member of Arora-Group International Pvt. Ltd.)
A brand is a name given to a product and/or service such that it takes on an identity by itself. In today's marketplace teeming with thousands of products and services, all of which are being rapidly commoditized, we as a brand Devotee stand out from the clutter and attracts attention.
DevoteeTM can create and stand for loyalty, trust, faith, premium less or mass-market appeal, depending on how the brand is marketed, advertised and promoted Our past has been glorious but the future appears to be even brighter. Armed with this conviction & coupled with our USP of Brand Management & Promotions. Our corporate ethos revolves round delivering the most effective, customized and target oriented solutions to our clients. An organization that thinks and acts on behalf of the brand that it works for.