Connaissance IT
About Connaissance IT means acquaintances and we believe acquaintance is not just knowing someone but knowing enough for sustainable happiness.
With our genre of entrepreneurship, we feel creating happiness is creating true value. Those who would disagree say, it’s Shareholder Value. Easy as it might seem, this art is the most difficult science. We therefore say that while we innovate to create the best products and services, we are actually in the business of manufacturing ‘Happiness’.
This is what we attempt to do with our every single decision here and that’s why we say ‘Where Employees enjoy. Customers Rejoice’. Manufacturing happiness through our business activities therefore would remain the central objective of our organisation. We wish that our philosophy carries unique space and is completely removed from the chores of the existing organisational practices.
The physical asset of Connaissance may just be over 200 Cr. but the business value of our ideas is immeasurable. Our only aim is to spread happiness, through the collective strength of our intellect, vision, strategies, ideas, hard work, efficient execution, practices and processes. Connaissance Group has interests in three core sectors of Realty, Education and IT.