BTI Payments Private Limited
About BTI Payments Private Limited organization’s fundamental purpose is to serve as a unifier of sorts, providing access to basic banking services across cultural, geographic and demographic divides. The india1ATM name and brand mark effectively encapsulate this purpose. Primarily working for the rural consumer, india1ATM will strive to provide freedom from the compromises that Indians have to make when it comes to easy, secure, reliable and efficient accessibility to ATMs across the country.
We are proud to announce that BTI Payments Pvt. Limited has received a nod from the Reserve Bank of India to deploy White Label ATMs over the next few years. White Label ATMs (WLAs) are not required to have bank branding and can only be operated by companies that have been fully approved by the Reserve Bank of India. There are no additional charges for a cardholder to use a White Label ATM.
We have launched our White Label ATM Network, under the brand name of india1ATMs. The first india1ATM was launched in Gubbi – a town in Tumkur District in the state of Karnataka on 9th April 2014.