Arya Omnitalk Wireless Solutions Private Limited
About Arya Omnitalk Wireless Solutions Private Limited
http://www.aryaomnitalk.comAryaOmnitalk Wireless Solutions Limited is a 50:50 joint venture company of the Arvind Ltd ( Arvind ltd is a flagship Company of the Ahmedabad based Lalbhai Group;one of the most respected industrial houses in India with revenues over Rs.20 billion. The group is the 3rd largest denim manufacturer in the world and is licensed to manufacture and market a host of internationally renowned names in the garment industry such as Arrow, Lee, Wrangler )& JM Baxi group ( having a major presence in the shipping industry). The company specializes in offering GPS based Fleet Automation & Management as well as Walky Talky solutions for managing resources .
br />Today, Arya Omnitalk has successfully established itself as the largest Walky Talky Service Provider in the country with a coverage footprint spanning 10 metros ,. The Mobile Data Solutions business of the company has pioneered vehicle tracking and auto routing solutions for a slew of industries including call centers.
Arya Omnitalk also offers a spectrum of cutting edge, field proven solutions for empowering mobile resources in several industries such as BPOs / Call Centers, Intra & Inter City Public Bus Services, Public Safety, Taxi Cabs, Emergency Response Services, Cash Transportation, Airlines, etc, thus making it India's most respected Mobile Resource Management outfit with the largest number of GPS based Vehicle Tracking Installations to its credit.
The Highway traffic management Solutions business provides tollbooth solutions to large infrastructure company’s and is an established player in industry.
The company is headquartered at Pune.
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